The Infinity Dreams Award

infinity dreams award.png

So, I was doubly tagged for this award last April, and this post has been sitting in my drafts for a whole lot of months…. O.O  shame on me, I know.  just life and figuring out college and working and such.

So, the official  Rules for the award are:

1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you.
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them.

#1 -- the thank you and follow

I was nominated for the Infinity Dreams Award by Kayla and Valari, two of my CW classmates.  Thanks so much, girls!  And I sincerely apologize for not having gotten to finishing this for 11 months.  ❤  And since I’ve been following their blogs, Imagination and Wonderland since they first created them, I will simply recommend here that you should check out their blogs.  (They’re both really strong writers!)

 #2 -- the facts

Let’s see.  The most horribly awkwardest part of these things.

  1. I graduated high school last spring, and I am taking a gap year before starting college.
  2. I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers.
  3. I am 17 1/2 years older than my youngest brother.
  4. I can crack 2 eggs at once (one in each hand, of course).
  5. I have blue eyes.
  6. My house used to be St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, and it was built in 1877.
  7. I’ve lived in the same house since I was 3.
  8. I prefer that the Chronicles of Narnia be read in the order they were written, rather than the chronological order.
  9. I only have 2 more facts until the end.
  10. My favorite genre to both read and write is historical fiction.  ❤
  11. I used to hate writing, and Mom, an English major, insisted I work on it (and helped me a lot, of course <3).  Now, I love writing, and am planning on majoring in some derivative of it.

 #3 -- the questions

First, I’ll do Kayla’s questions

1. If you could have one ability (realistic or not) what would it be?

only one??  Probably being able to speak any and every language without having to learn them.  Though, it would also be nice if I could make it sunny on winter mornings.  or fly.

2. On a scale of Fred & George to Hermione (or 1 to 10 for you non-Potterheads) how much do you enjoy school?

Since I’m not a Potterhead, I will just say somewhere 7 and 9, depending on what part and if I’m behind or not.  But since I graduated last spring and haven’t done school for the past 10 months, I’m really looking forward to starting something in the fall!

3.How many pleasure books would you say you read a month?

Well, sometimes/often the books I have to read are pleasurable. But of straight for-fun that have no deadline?  about 0.75 to one a month, now that I’m not doing schoolwork.  Just to clarify, I’m reading around working 2 part-time jobs, reading 1 book a month for our Mom-and-I book group, and slogging through City of God by Augustine for a summer camp.  More reading than I did at the end of my senior year, though….

4. Favorite letter of the alphabet?

Um, maybe A?  just because it has such a wide range of pronunciations, and you can combine it with some many other letters to make so many fun sounds and words

5. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep? (I would ask, “what’s the latest you’ve stayed up,” but I think we’re all at the point where staying up until 5AM is a cakewalk…)

The longest amount of time without sleep.  probably ~20 hours?  I think that particular day, I hadn’t fallen asleep until around midnight the night before, slept poorly because floors aren’t soft, and then woken up around 5:45 EST to leave head to the airport.  Then, I flew to California (3 hours behind), and ended up going to sleep around 10:15, which was like 1:15 on my body clock.  But I’ve never stayed up till 5 AM, I don’t think….  Except for maybe a 10-hour time zone change, once?  But I’m not sure if that counts.

6.  What’s the coolest place you’ve visited so far in your life?

India.  Although, I was only 10 when I went, so I don’t remember it as well I should like. 😦  My family was strongly considering moving there as missionaries, but it didn’t end up working out.  It’s the only time I’ve ever been out of the States.

Other than that, Williamsburg is absolutely amazing– and one of my favorite time periods of history, too!

bangles in Delhi 🙂

7. How much time do you waste thinking about doing your homework as opposed to actually doing it?

Um…. Since the deal with homeschool is that 100% of your schoolwork is homework, it’s kind of hard to draw that line, and so doing school of any sort is pretty much doing homework. That being said, the time probably varies on how much I am or am not frustrated with the assignment/myself and my inability to do what I think I ought to.  So, in such cases, probably too much time?

8. What color are your eyes? #creeperquestion

Funny you should ask.  Blue.

9. Would you say you have a lot of friends, but only a few close ones, or virtually no friends, but those you do have are borderline soul mates? (I will unashamedly say I am the latter).

The latter.  But I think I’m improving on being sociable??  at least more so than I was 4 years ago…  My other problem is that I have a knack for making good friends that don’t live near me.  😦

10. Do you get bored easily?

Time is precious thing.  Who can spend it on getting bored?

11.  Describe your best friend in three words/phrases?

Wow.  Let’s see…  Maybe reading, loving, and joyful?

Now for Valari’s 11 questions.

1. Okay, what do you think of the name Infinity Dreams Award, anyhow?

Not exactly sure what to think of it.  Who came up with it?  What’s it supposed to mean?  What on earth does it have to do with the actual tag?
Hope that counts as an answer.

2. Have you already been nominated and are hating me right now?

I was nominated by Kayla on April 4, and by you on April 14.  So, I had already been nominated, yes.  But no, I’m not hating you right now.  There’s been plenty of time to heal the wound.  x)

3. What’s your take on Super Smash Bros Brawl? Or do you care? Or do you even know what it is?

don’ t even know what it is.

4. My mom literally just told me three people died from eating ice cream. Your first thought on the matter?

How much did they eat?  What flavor?  And wow.  How horrible!  I mean, of all the ways to die!!

5. What do you love most about your novel project? (If you’re not in the middle of one, what do you love most about any longish story you’ve written before?)

The fact that it kind of took on a life and a depth I never thought it would.  Not that I’m exactly satisfied with it, but when I started my NP for CW class (a whole year ago), I thought it was going to turn out absolutely pathetically.

6. What do you hate most about your novel project? (See above question for alternative answer.)

The plot isn’t complicated enough.  Also, this is hard to embellish/fix because my whole story takes place in less than a week.

7. Is writing your passion, hobby, or worst nightmare?

Like I mentioned in the facts, it used to be my worst nightmare.  Somewhere around 7th grade, I kind of realized, “Oh, I can actually do this!”  And now it’s growing into something more resembling a passion.  It’s not a hobby exactly, because I’m not a quick writer.  😛  But I love words.

8. Has a book ever made you cry?

Yes.  A Tale of Two Cities.  A Sparrow Alone.  The Book Thief.  The Giver.  Probably some others.

9. When you were little, did you ever try to balance the light switch perfectly between ON and OFF? (If not, you’ve missed out on the joys of childhood.)

I think so.  I don’t have any distinct recollections of it, but I can totally see myself wrestling with that.  I definitely did it with silverware on my fingers….

10. What’s your overall opinion of WordPress? Does it ever annoy you in any way?

Overall, I really like it.  Sometimes, it annoys me because it updates itself so frequently, but I like WordPress blogs SO much better than Blogger blogs.

11. Do you absolutely LOVE my novel project? (Go ahead and say no; I won’t cry.)

I really liked The Tower of Ogelz.  I mean, I did you for my ghost write in that sandbox.  ❤  Maybe not absolutely LOVE in all caps, just ’cause sci fi isn’t my typical cup of tea, but I definitely liked your characters, the creativity in your Ogelzetrap, and your sense of humor.  (:


#4 -- the last part

For this award, I’m just going to nominate 3 people:  Kendra, Emily, and Victoria.  — completely voluntary, of course, though.  ❤

Here are your questions to answer:

  1. Because I’d like to know, I’ll ask again — what do you think of the name ‘Infinity Dreams’?
  2. What is your favorite period of history?
  3. What season would you most want your wedding in?
  4. Do you genuinely like coffee?
  5. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or can you do multiple plots at once?
  6. What’s your general opinion of Homer?
  7. If you could automatically know any language without having to study for years, what would you pick?
  8. Favorite kind of ice cream?
  9. Book you most want to visit the setting of?
  10. Do you have freckles?
  11. You come home from babysitting one day and find a battered box sitting on your bed with some complicated, illegible postmark.  After getting through the duct tape, you open the package and find a box. — a really old box.  The wooden kind with antique scrollwork and an intricate lock.  You touch the delicate clasp, and realize that it isn’t actually locked.
    Your gut reaction?  Will you open it?  What do you think is inside?


Have fun!   And happy almost spring!!

CW Awards

Pen, meet Sword

So, yesterday was our last Creative Writing class — and my last class of high school ever.  I’m trying not to think too hard about it.  😥  But more on that later. For the happy part– We voted on different elements of each other’s novels (btw — there are links to all these people’s blogs on the side of my blog), and here are the results:

Best Title – TIE

  1. The World as We (Don’t) Know It  (Julie L.)
  2. Project Imperium  (Luke H.)

Best Female Lead Character

  1. Rowan Atreus/Lacey Gorse — Subliminal (Sarah L.)
  2. Nhi Dinh — Vượt Biên (Kayla N.) – RUNNER UP

Best Male Lead Character

  1. Quinn — Project Imperium (Luke H.)
  2. Zack Hollingworth — The Tower of Ogelz (Valari W.) – RUNNER UP

Best Supporting Female Character

  1. Abihail — Only (me)
  2. Pearl — Project Imperium (Luke H.) – RUNNER UP

Best Supporting Male Character

  1. Mordecai — Only (me)
  2. André — Through the Black (Mara R.) – RUNNER UP

Best Villain

  1. Proctor — Project Imperium (Luke H.)
  2. The Aurorans — Subliminal (Sarah L.) – RUNNER UP

Best Setting

  1. The real world and the imaginary one — A World of Her Own (Kendra H.)
  2. Space — John Tarlan (James W.) – RUNNER UP

Best Quote

  1. “When the last things you have left on this Earth are taken from you, you have a choice: lose yourself in what was, or turn around and look forward. One is merely survival, the other is choosing to live again with purpose. Death forces us to make that choice, and what you choose dictates the person you will become.” — Vượt Biên (Kayla N.)
  2. “Even in the midst of pain, there’s beauty. You just have to look for it.” — Project Imperium (Luke H.) – RUNNER UP

Best Opening Line

  1. “Let me tell you what it feels like to die.” — The World as We (Don’t) Know It (Julie L.)
  2. “It was dawn, and the sun and moon were busy fighting for control of the sky.” — Project Imperium ( Luke H.) – RUNNER UP

Best Closing Line

  1. “And he had been looking at himself in a mirror.”– The Halved Knight (Sam N.)
  2. “She thought she heard a faint “goodbye Rosa” coming from the box, but maybe that was just her imagination.” — A World of Her Own (Kendra H.) – RUNNER UP

Best Literary Device

  1. Allusions — all Michaelangelo’s referenes. From Stealing Joy (Rachel R.)
  2. Puns — “The girls ate some refreshments, but the animals did not; they said they were stuffed.” From A World of Her Own (Kendra H.) – RUNNER UP

Best Comedy/Comedic Moment

  1. A World of Her Own (Kendra H.)
  2. Stealing Joy (Rachel R.) – RUNNER UP

Best Drama/Dramatic Moment

  1. The Halved Knight (Sam N.)
  2. Unafraid (Kasey M.) – RUNNER UP

Best Mystery/Suspenseful Moment

  1. Subliminal (Sarah L.)
  2. Through the Black (Mara R.) – RUNNER UP

Best Historical Fiction

  1. Only (me)
  2. The Road to America (Jessica C.) – RUNNER UP

Best Fantasy/Science Fiction

  1. The Tower of Ogelz (Valari W.)
  2. John Tarlan (James W.) – RUNNER UP

Most Likely to Publish

  1. A World of Her Own (Kendra H.)
  2. Only (me) – RUNNER UP

Best Illustrator

  1. Kendra H.

Congratulations, everyone!!!  ❤

And congratulations even if you didn’t win one of these awards — you still made this the BEST class in all my years of high school!

Honestly, it was hard to vote simply because there were so many amazing elements in everyone’s stories!  Reading all most  of your novellas (I fell a little short of my lofty ambitions) has opened up my literary world to so many other genres and plots I never would have picked on my own, but that are really creative and really neat!

But I’m not saying goodbye until the next post…

The [severely overdue] Liebster


I am finally getting this out!

So, I was excited to find out that both Sarah and Valari nominated me for this award!  And since liebster is a kind of weird word, I decided to do a little research on its origin… just for fun.  😉  Apparently the award was started on some German blog, and is thus liebster is German for ‘dearest’, ‘sweetheart’, or ‘most favorite’.  In other words, it’s Deutsche for favoritest.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get on with the rest of this.

The rules for the Liebster are:

1) Post the award on your blog
2) Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog
3) Write 11 random facts about yourself
4) Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers (And in the blogging circles I’m in, 200 followers is pretty much a thing of the wistful imagination.)
5) Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

And since I was nominated twice, I’m just going to combine both awards into a somewhat nice, long post rather than sharing 22 random facts and nominating a whole bunch of people…

Parts 1 & 2~

From Sarah~

Rachel K.– She’s super creative and I love how her blog is centered around her fictional world of Halaran.

Thank you, Sarah!  🙂 ❤  You should check out her blog, Reverie, for some amazing short stories.  And she loves Narnia, so that makes up for everything else right there.  😉

From Valari~

Rachel K ~ She provides a great variety of interesting posts, and I can tell from her personality that I could get along with her great if we lived in the same area! (Not to mention she’s my #1 commenter….:))

Aww, thanks, Valari!  🙂 ❤  On her blog, Imagination, you can find some really creative writing, especially her latest selection of diary entries from a home school mom.

 Part 3~

Now for the eclectic bunch of info…

1)  I am the oldest of 7 (going on 8!) kids, and my siblings are probably my best friends.

2)  I don’t like pig bacon.  *gasp*  The whitish fat stuff springs back when you pull on it, okay?

3)  I have never read the Lord of the Rings series even though my siblings have and it’s a commonly mentioned thing in our house.

4)  I am technically a mime because I do acting without words.  But I despise being called that.  (You can check out the ministry I silently act *cough* with at their blog.)

5)  I have been to India.

6)  I love Jane Austen movies (not just for the romance).  And I love to quote them.

7)  My siblings and I used to make chess sets out of the people at church.  For example, Mr. S was the king, Mrs. S was the queen, their kids were the knights and/or bishops and/or rooks, etc.  Sometimes we would draw the whole set out.

8)  When I get really excited, I like to jump up and down.  X)

9)  I’m a bit of a Narniac.  I used to dream of being Lucy when I was little.  And sometimes, I still do…

10)  I don’t really like Parmesan cheese.

11)  I have blue eyes.

They were supposed to be random, alright?

 Part 4~

Rather than nominate 11 bloggers, I’m only going to do 3.  I really wish I could nominate Sarah and Valari, but I don’t think that’s technically allowed, so I won’t.  😦  The chosen 3 are:

Tabitha~  I like your blog’s theme/flavor, ‘Forest of Thoughts’.  I enjoy your journals and passion for Christ.

Celia~  I always love your honesty in your posts.  Sorry your Blogger blog got hacked.  😦  That’s what you get for not using WordPress.  😉 You can use this for a post on your new blog!  ❤

Rachel R~  Your creativity is always completely original, and yet so fascinating.  I love how your blog is themed around a sky full of stars.

Part 5.1~

Now for Sarah’s questions:

1. Favorite Christmas song this year?  Probably ‘Hark!  The Herald Angels Sing!’  But I’ve always liked ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ and a whole bunch of others…

2. If you had to say only one word for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Ugh!  Why must you ask such questions?!  They require too much thought to answer.  >:|  How about ‘apencilandpaperplease’?

3. Would you rather have an extra eye, arm, or leg?  The extra arm would be most handy (no pun intended), as well as probably the easiest to remove if I decided I really hated how efficient I could be.

4. If you could meet any Bible character (besides God/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit) which one would it be and why?  I would meet… hmm.  This is harder to choose than I thought it would be.  Maybe Mary?

5. A Christmas elf is dancing on your front doorstep.  What do you do?  First, I look perplexedly out the window.  Then, I’d turn and call, “Um, Mom?  There’s a little Christmas elf dancing on the front steps.”

6. Live in the countryside or city?  Countryside — definitely.  But not so rural you couldn’t see anyone for miles, kind of thing.

7. If today was going to be wiped from everyone’s memory but yours, what would you do?  I would do all the things I’ve always wanted to but was to afraid of what people might think to do.  And I wouldn’t have any deep, meaningful conversations or do anything I’d want someone else to remember.

8. Favorite pizza topping?  Lots of cheese.  I’m not big on other toppings…

9. What is something that you don’t like but most other people do?  Real bacon.

10. Which fictional villain do you most identify with? What kind of question is that?  *cough*  I mean, Dracula, of course.  ;P

11. Do you think you are on Santa’s good list or naughty list this year?  Nice — duh.  😉

Part 5.2~

And Valari’s questions:

1. Since we’re all writers here, what’s your favorite story you’ve ever written?  I haven’t really written a whole lot of stories — that were very good, at any rate.  *sigh*  My favorite I’ve written is probably my CW7, The Father’s Sons.  But I’m kind of anticipating better stuff with this semester’s novel project…. *shivers and raises eyebrows with delight*

2. Do you prefer being in the great outdoors, or are you more of a homebody?  Both.  I love being outside — particularly in the summer.  But I love reading inside and snuggling in bed in the winter.

3. Do you have a favorite holiday besides Christmas?  Hmm…  I might have to say the 4th of July.  It’s in summer, and it isn’t as stressful as some of the other holidays.

4. Are you making any New Year’s resolutions for 2015?  This goes to show how late I am with getting this post out.  😦  My sort of informal resolution is to be more intentional about my relationships this year.  I want to try to take a deeper stake in my family members’ lives.  I want to get past a lot of my self-consciousness and reach out to show interest in others’ lives.

5. If you could visit any country in the world, what would it be?  I think I’d pick the UK since it has both Scotland and England.  But the others on my list include Ireland, New Zealand (aka Narnia and Middle Earth), and Israel.

Hala– er, Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland
Westminister Abbey in London

6. Do you have a favorite number? If so, what?  I know it’s kind of popular, but I still really like 7.

7. Do you like using tags on your blog?  Yes, although they can be a hastle to remember sometimes.

8. What’s your favorite amusement park/funhouse?  Kennywood, near Pittsburgh, PA.  It’s the only one I’ve been to.  =)

9. What’s your favorite season of the year and why?  Summer.  My birthday is then.  School is out.  I can wear short sleeves and flip-flops and capris and skirts and colorful things.  There’s leaves on the trees and flowers.  There’s lightning bugs out at night.  It’s warm.  “In summer!”

10. Do you play sports? If not, do you have a favorite sport?  I don’t play sports — not really athletic.  My favorites are archery, fencing, and horseback riding. But my favorite to watch is probably is figure skating.

11. What, in your opinion, is the best part about having a blog?  I like being able to share my writing with others and get feedback on it.  I haven’t really gotten a whole lot of that experience as a homeschooler.
And I love playing with the layout and picking the pictures and colors and format and all.  😀

 Part 5.3~

And finally for my 11 random questions for my 3 nominees:

1) Legolas — swoon, ugh, so-so.  What’s your reaction?

2) Favorite Chronicle of Narnia?

3) What’s your preferred Bible translation to read?

4) What book did you most recently put down?

5) Are you satisfied with your blog, or do you wish you could start it over?

6) If you had to pick, would you rather be dumb/mute or blind for the rest of your life?  *gulp*

7) What are your thoughts on lying when Nazis come and demand to know if there are Jews in your house?  Is it justifiable?  (I just want to know your opinion — I’m not sure if I’ve figured out mine.)

8) Ever been out of the U.S.?  Where to?

9)  If you could pick 5 countries to visit, which would you pick?  Why?

10) What are you top 3 favorite states?

11)  Since we’re all girls, how about earrings?  Do you prefer posts, hoops, dangling, or none?

Have fun!  😉
